Sunday, March 8, 2009

My first ride on back of our Ultra

Today and yesterday were 2 beautiful days in the 70s and 80s here. My husband felt like he had practiced enough on his own on our Ultra Classic that he felt comfortable with me on back and we had a great time! Yesterday we rode through the countryside and wound up in Myrtle Beach. I was surprised because I thought he was just going in the country down some simple roads with little traffic, but no, he hit the big time and he did very well. We had an absolute wonderful time and it was like a dose of good medicine for both of us. We stopped at Krispy Kreme and sinned greatly and then it was on the way home. We also stopped at the Harley dealership in Myrtle beach. We had no trouble from the police with the new laws since we always wear helmets anyway and our exhaust is still stock and sound very quiet now anyway. We rode for about 5 hours.

Today, we rode down to Southport, a very nice ride which took us through miles of the Green Swamp, a refuge for wildlife and lots of trees and swamp area. Southport is a very old Port town and very historic. We ate at a nice restaurant there and we both had stuffed flounder that was delicious. The restaurant sits right in front of the ocean and we had seats right there with a great view watching the boats and seagulls. Then we rode to Wilmington to that Harley dealership and then out into the country. We rode about 6 hours.

The air was filled with the promise spring. The air was fresh, and smelled good, things were starting to bloom, and many fields had been plowed in preparation for planting time. I cannot tell you what healing this did to my soul.

And the Ultra, Oh WOW, we just LOVE it!!! It was so comfortable and my butt or legs did not hurt once during any part of the rides. And the music!!! Guess what the first song on the radio was" "You shook me all night long." And that really got us going. Then lo and behold "Born to be Wild" came on. And the music continued to be that good the whole time. I give the Ultra AAAAAAAA all the way and we should have bought one years ago.

Can't wait to be go on some really long trips!! My gosh we had a great time!!!!!!


Janet said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of backseat riding on an Ultra! Don't you love it? We were out this past weekend too and can't wait for spring and summer to make their return so we can get out more. We've been talking about trips for this summer but with the new grandbaby coming, we'll be distance limited for awhile. We are planning a trip to Eureka Springs, MO with the CVO Harley group in May. There's a facebook group started by them. I think there was a website too. You might tell your hubby to check it out. It's D's one online addiction.
I'm sure you guys will be able to ride again soon. We'll be jealous! Ride safe!

Rhonda and Allyn said...

Thanks Janet, we had a wonderful time on the Ultra and we love it. We had some great weather. We hope to meet up with ya'll one day! Rhonda


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